PB3 Relaxation techniques

On Monday, August 31st 2015, the teachers of the Collège Boris Vian in Coudekerque-Branche (France) had the opportunity to train in stress management techniques.

Different relaxation and breathing exercises were proposed.

These exercises are currently used in class by voluntary teachers.

They can help especially :

· to get the pupils to relax before a test.

· to restore calm when a group of pupils is restless at the beginning of a lesson.

· to improve concentration.

Work on different types of breathing: stomach, thoracic and collarbone.

The succession of these three types of breathing (the « wave ») improves concentration.

Energetic washing :

This exercise based on self massage allows body awakening and gives you energy for the whole day!

1) Rub your hands to gain warmth and energy.

2) Massage or pat your body starting with your scalp, your face, down to your legs.

« Pumping » Shoulder – Elevation/Depression:

Aim: evacuate tensions.

· Stand up.

· Inhale slowly clenching your fists.

· Hold your breath and bring shoulders near ears.

· Move them up and down. (pumping)

(If necessary, your elbows can be bent to

follow the movement)

· Exhale while relaxing arms and shoulders.

PB3 Relaxation techniques
PB3 Relaxation techniques
PB3 Relaxation techniques
PB3 Relaxation techniques
PB3 Relaxation techniques
PB3 Relaxation techniques
PB3 Relaxation techniques
PB3 Relaxation techniques
PB3 Relaxation techniques
PB3 Relaxation techniques
PB3 Relaxation techniques
PB3 Relaxation techniques
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