A partnership between the nationale scene of Bateau Feu, Epahd and the College Boris Vian for season 2016/2017 , took place for the project “Erasmus +Body” and carried out with the old people's home Yvon Duval de Coudekerque Branche. The partnership related to the organization of workshops around the circus.

The Bateau Feu organized for the College Boris Vian 10 hours of interventions of Valentin around the circus, divided into 5 meetings of 2h and carried out by CRAC of Lomme. The interventions proceed in create “couple” of generation, and a group dynamic. The purpose of the project centered on juggling, the body expression and the set of actors will be a total discovery of the practice of arts of the circus, supporting the intergenerational links. A correspondance took place to upstream create a first link between the participants. A final restitution will take place on May 28th, 2017 is produced in front of a public of residents and young people.

PT5 Theater home and abroad
PT5 Theater home and abroad
PT5 Theater home and abroad
PT5 Theater home and abroad
PT5 Theater home and abroad
PT5 Theater home and abroad
PT5 Theater home and abroad
PT5 Theater home and abroad
PT5 Theater home and abroad
PT5 Theater home and abroad
PT5 Theater home and abroad
PT5 Theater home and abroad
PT5 Theater home and abroad
PT5 Theater home and abroad
PT5 Theater home and abroad
PT5 Theater home and abroad
PT5 Theater home and abroad
PT5 Theater home and abroad
PT5 Theater home and abroad
PT5 Theater home and abroad
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