The cooperation between local partners and the college Boris Vian of Coudekerque Branche doesn’t need to be proved. Within the framework of Erasmus+ European projects, all the young people of our school were mobilized to collect plastic caps. The activities of this type established an interdependent mobilization to buy wheel chairs for disabled people. An immense advertisement was placed on every walls of the school and on the website, during one month. The campaign was conducted by the pupils taking part in the Erasmus+ workshop.
What a success! As you can see on the pictures, the event and results were important. The 16th of May the association called “Handi-Quentin de Warhem” came to recover the impressive unit…!

PDP5 Giving is better than taking: Collect plastic caps
PDP5 Giving is better than taking: Collect plastic caps
PDP5 Giving is better than taking: Collect plastic caps
PDP5 Giving is better than taking: Collect plastic caps
PDP5 Giving is better than taking: Collect plastic caps
PDP5 Giving is better than taking: Collect plastic caps
PDP5 Giving is better than taking: Collect plastic caps
PDP5 Giving is better than taking: Collect plastic caps
PDP5 Giving is better than taking: Collect plastic caps
PDP5 Giving is better than taking: Collect plastic caps
PDP5 Giving is better than taking: Collect plastic caps
PDP5 Giving is better than taking: Collect plastic caps
PDP5 Giving is better than taking: Collect plastic caps
PDP5 Giving is better than taking: Collect plastic caps
PDP5 Giving is better than taking: Collect plastic caps
PDP5 Giving is better than taking: Collect plastic caps
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