AH4 A Trip in Time

All the partner schools were assigned to contribute 20 – 30 questions with multiple questions about one period in history. Thus, England was responsible for Ancient Rome, Poland – Middle Ages, Italy was in charge of Renaissance,  Portugal – Age of Discoveries, Romania – the first World War and France – the second World War. Questions concerned the body, canons of beauty characteristic for these eras, diseases fought at the time, medicines applied and ways and methods of body decorating which were at fashion at the time. All the questions and answers were collected and transferred onto cards. Each school also provided some extra background explanations concerning the age they dealt with. They were all compiled into one ‘manual’. Each set of a board games consisted of a board, a book containing answers and additional information, and circa around 200 index cards.  Children played the game during the congress held in Romania. They did enjoy the activity, playing and learning at the same time.

AH4 A Trip in Time
AH4 A Trip in Time
AH4 A Trip in Time
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